Federación de Sociedades Sudamericanas de Ciencias en Animales de Laboratorio
FESSACAL 2020-2023
Governing Board
Executive Committee
Vera María Peters

Biologist from Universidad Federal de Juiz de Fora. She has a Master degree in histology and embryology; Doctor in animal biology from Universidad Federal Rural de Río de Janeiro. She is an active member of SBCAL y CONCEA; Director of Biology Reproduction Center at UFJF. She also serves as professor at UFJF and coordinates the Red Mineira de Bioterismo from Minas Gerais. She is the former treasure of FESSACAL.
Ekaterina Rivera

Dr. Rivera completed her D.V.M. at the University of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil and her M.Sc. in Laboratory Animals Science at the Royal Veterinary College in the University of London. She has also received an honorary degree from the University of Brasilia. Dr. Rivera’s appointments have included ad hoc membership to the Brazilian Council on Animal Experiments (CONCEA), the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC-I), and the Laboratory Animal Welfare Group at the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE/OMSA). She is considerer one of the most influential MV by the Federal Council of Veterinarian Medicine in Brazil.
Luisa Maria Gomes de Macedo Braga

University degree in Veterinary Medicine, Master in Veterinary Sciences, PhD in Genetics and Molecular Biology in cell therapy. Former president of SBCAL. She was a member of the National Council for the Control of Animal Experimentation - CONCEA, for two terms. Coordinates the National Network of Production Biotiaries of CNPq (REBIOTERIO). Member of the Regional Council of the Americas of the International Council of Laboratory Animals Science (ICLAS). She made her career working in vivariums as a director, manager and responsible technician. Today she works as a consultant in different areas of laboratory animal science and pays special attention to the motivation of the teams of professionals working with experimental animals.
Gui Mi Ko

She has a degree in Pharmacy and Biochemistry from Universidade de São Paulo (USP), a Master's degree in Health Science (Pharmacology Area) from Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) and is currently a PhD student in Health Science (Molecular Biology Area) on UNIFESP. She is the Treasurer and board member of the Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência em Animais de Laboratório (SBCAL) and the Coordinator of the Laboratory of Animal Experimentation of the Institute of Pharmacology and Molecular Biology of UNIFESP.
Former President Marcelo Asprea

Veterinarian graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences University of Buenos Aires with a specialization in large animal clinic; Head of biothery and experimental surgery Hospital de Pediatria Prof Dr Juan P Garrahan; Veterinary anesthesiology specialist granted by the professional council of veterinary doctors / resolution nº 728/2010. Law No. 14072); Specialist in laboratory animals granted by the professional council of veterinary doctors / resolution nº 728/2010. Law No. 14072); Member of the cycle of the Pediatric Hospital Prof Dr Juan P Garrahan; Director of the Cell Care Company / Faculty of Medicine UBA; Coordinator of trainer courses in laparoscopic surgery hlb Pharma / Johnson & Johnson; Member of the Pediatric lung transplant team. Hospital de Pediatría S.A.M.I.C. Prof. Dr. Juan P. Garrahan; Former President of the Argentine Association of Science and Technology of Laboratory Animals (AACyTAL) between 2013-2018; President of the Federation of South American Societies for Laboratory Animal Sciences (FESSACAL) 2016-2019; Former President of The Federation of South American Societies for Laboratory Animal Sciences (FESSACAL) 2020-2023